Wednesday, November 7, 2007

...and while we're on Buck Rogers

Erin Gray...few decent scenes, no gags during her time on Buck Rogers, but I bet few could deny the effect she had on many of us who grew up in the 70s/80s.

Some years later, The Fall Guy at least rewarded us with a scene, be it all too brief and not particulaly as expressive as we had all hoped.

If anyone is interested I have the episodes containing the scenes and will cap if demand is there. Click here if interested.

Brian's Page reports of her having a scene in the sitcom Silver Spoons - anyone seen it or own a copy? As the contributer of the post over on Brian's Page so elegantly puts it..."Overall the scene's marginal, BUT IT'S ERIN!!!".

Amen to that!


Anonymous said...

Erin Grey. Waited years for her to get tied up, then she delivers so brilliantly on the fall guy. Stunning.

Anonymous said...

Yep i'm up a bit of Erin mate.
